Managing Mischief

Now that my embroidery projects are down to a more manageable list, I’m feeling better about the workload I have.

Yeah, it looks like a lot, but it’s actually better than it seems. The first project is almost halfway done, and I have nothing else to interrupt me with it (not taking additional “quickie” projects or anything else until it’s done). The second should be easy enough, the third I negotiated down to something less stressful than what was originally asked, the fourth should be simple, and the final one is too.

Once the above list is pared down, I plan on writing and doing embroidery for myself. Y’know, so I can get some of the benefits of my skills. Lol

My personal embroidery list–wings notwithstanding–is much longer than the above list. I also have a sewing project list that’s pretty hefty, but with the benefit of not having deadlines (Great Western War garb not included). I’d like a wardrobe of garb, not just a few outfits that, well, fit. I also want more authentic garb, which means I need to plan on making more.

I haven’t forgotten the world of ABNORMAL. I just took on a few more projects than I intended…so I’ll have to revisit that world when I catch up. I still have plans for Clare and co. Lots and lots of plans…