ARC Readers Needed!!!

Hey, everyone! Guess what? It’s that time now! I’m eagerly awaiting the ARC file for ESCAPE THE LIGHT, the sequel to ABNORMAL!

What’s an ARC, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you…

ARC stands for Advanced Reader Copy, and in the publishing world, they’re sent out ahead of a book’s release to get reviews and blurbs before launch. I’ve already gotten a few ARC readers lined up, but I need more!

For ten lucky readers of this blog who email me here, I’ll send an ARC copy once I’ve gotten it from the publisher! Don’t really want to be an ARC reader but know someone who would? Share this post link with them! Know of someone who has a book review blog or podcast? Send me their info so I can contact them!

ARC readers are so vital to a book’s success! They’re our little magic elves who go out into the world and whisper sweet nothings about our books to others. 🙂

What else does it mean that I’m looking for ARC readers now? Well, that means that ESCAPE THE LIGHT is that much closer to production and release!!!

You want some more good news? Book 3, FIGHT THE LIGHT, has been submitted to the publisher! That means I’m finally happy with the draft and ready to get the process started on that one.

Also in me news, I got the first draft of the first novella in my paranormal romance trilogy finished and off to a beta reader this week! Book 2 in that series is in the works already, and I hope to have the whole kit and kaboodle done and released before the year is out.

Stay tuned for more!