A Day for Nerds Everywhere

Yes, it’s that time of year again: May the 4th, also known as Star Wars Day. (For those non-fans, or people who have been living under a rock for the past thirty plus years, it’s a play on words of the phrase “May the force be with you”–y’know, “May the fourth be with you”?)

I am a nerd/geek, but I didn’t get all decked out for this special day. Sure, I brought my R2D2 purse with me to my rheumatologist appointment, but that’s because I freaking love this purse. Also, I wanted to wear a shirt that matches the flower hair stick I made with my polymer clay yesterday (because I’m narcissistic and want to draw attention to myself and hopefully get compliments on what I did). Check it out:


Cute, right? Of course it is. And yes, that is a TARDIS phone case. Like I said, I’m a geek.

I should do some Star Wars cosplay for next year’s Phoenix Comicon. I love the original trilogy, and I’m excited to see Episode VII when it comes out. I want to make my own character though. I’m not much for trying to get screen accurate all the time.

Speaking of Phoenix Comicon, be prepared for photo dumps of my cosplays later this month when I go to this year’s con. It will happen. Fair warning.


Phoenix Comicon is getting closer, and I’m getting closer to being ready for it.

I’ve nearly completed all four of my cosplays. They’re going to be simple and casual, so I can focus on having fun without worrying about being screen accurate.

Still haven’t decided if I want to do any autographs or photo ops with celebrities. There are a few I’d really like to meet, but I’m not sure about the cost (& I know my husband doesn’t really want to stand in line for something like that).

Since this is the first con where neither my husband nor myself have any gaming or volunteering planned, I hope to be able to see and do more. Things like panels and classes (maybe a writing or art or cosplay workshop) and just a bunch of wandering around enjoying the sights.

Flash Fiction Friday–All Hallows Eve

All Hallows Eve

AJ Mullican

It was Halloween, and Patrick had been handing candy out to the neighborhood kids for about three hours. He had seen Avengers, Power Rangers, Disney princesses, Batmen, Supermen, ghosts, and zombies. The smaller children were adorable. The teenagers were obnoxious and often high or drunk or both.

The groups of kids began to thin out and the streets were nearly empty. Just when he was about to turn off his porch light and go watch a scary movie, he saw a boy of about five or six walking alone in the dark. He thought it was odd that the boy didn’t have a parent with him. Hopefully the boy knew his phone number or address; that way Pat could take him home.

As the boy approached the walk to Pat’s house, his costume came into view. It was the creepiest costume Pat had seen the whole night.

The boy wore dirty, old-fashioned clothing that could have come straight out of a World War II-era photograph, and his pumpkin candy pail had a more sinister smile than the usual jovial Jack O’Lantern that he’d seen that night.

Creepiest of all was the boy’s mask—or was it face paint?—the seams were so smooth that Pat couldn’t tell. It looked like the face of a skeleton, complete with gaunt cheeks, empty eye sockets, and a wide, empty grin.

“My, what a scary skeleton you are!” he said to the boy as he climbed the porch steps. “Where are your mommy and daddy?”

The boy said nothing.

“I suppose you want some candy.” Pat scanned the street. No more kids. This was his chance to unload the rest of the junk food. “I have lots to give you, but you have to say the magic words.”

Still the boy said nothing. Pat began to feel uneasy.

“What’s your name little boy?”

Nothing. The boy held his empty bucket up for Pat to fill with candy.

Patrick knelt down so he was closer to eye level with the boy. He inched his hand towards the boy’s face to remove the mask, wanting to look the boy in the eyes but not wanting to startle him. When he touched the mask, he found that whoever had made it had done an excellent job. It felt like real bone. However, the mask would not come off.

Neither would Patrick’s hand.

Pat watched in horror as his skin melted into the bony mask, then began to fall away entirely. His finger bones fused to the boy’s skull as skin, muscle, and sinew sloughed off.

The last thing he saw before his eyes joined the rest of his soft tissue in the puddle on the porch was the boy’s lower mandible moving in silence. Having no more eardrums, he couldn’t hear what the boy said, but he knew what it was.

“Trick or treat.”