Should have planned ahead

Low battery warning on my tablet = no more book reading during my lunch break.

I am staying at the office for lunch today & decided to bring my tablet so I could read my book. I know, I should leave it alone for a while and then look at it with fresh eyes, but I couldn’t resist.

To prevent myself from revising as I go,  I opened the file in an app that doesn’t allow me to make changes. I’m trying to read it through the eyes of, well, a reader. So far I’ve seen a few areas that need some tweaking, but overall it’s coming across as something I would read if the book had been given to me.

Hopefully the couple of people who have been given copies to alpha read will like it. It’s hard putting your work out there when you’re new at it, but it’s also necessary.

Once I’ve gotten feedback I’ll go back to revise and tweak the things I’ve noticed (& the things pointed out to me). I’ll need editors along the way, but one step at a time.