Model behavior

I may not be model-thin, but I’m becoming increasingly comfortable with my appearance.

Today’s society is so self-absorbed, and the portion of society that isn’t buying into the #selfie craze is dissing the #selfers (new word–Shakespeare did it, and I’m claiming writer’s rights to do it as well). Me? I’m a little bit of both.

Why take dozens of selfies if I look down on the selfie phenomenon? Because I spent the first couple dozen years of my life hating how I look, and a few more after I gained weight hating my appearance again.

Now I’m slowly growing comfortable enough in my own skin to take pictures of myself and to allow others to take my picture and post it on social media.

I’ve even become #comfortable enough to use a picture of myself as a cover image for an anthology that I self-published today. Can’t get much more #selfer than that.

I’m also thinking of toying around with taking even more photos of myself as “model” photos. Not necessarily for use in publications, but to remind myself that I’m worthy of being looked at, of getting attention.

My first test photo isn’t exactly Vogue style work. More like, uh, a famous horror magazine. (I didn’t sleep well last night, give me a break.)

I give you the first of what I hope will be many shots of me being me, in my various forms. This is pissed-off me.


My other hope is that by taking more pictures of myself I’ll be more #motivated to lose weight and get fit. I’ve gained too much since my surgery and need to shed those pounds.