Charitable intentions

I wanted to talk about charity before I konk out for the night. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to be able to donate, you can still contribute.

Spread the word through social media. Join local support groups. If you have other skills you can provide, like #drawing, #writing, #video, ANYTHING, then you can help.

Find a cause — or a few of them — that speaks to you. It may be something that has affected you or your friends and family directly, or it can even be something that’s never personally affected you but is a cause you feel needs more help.

Do your research. Search for the various charities online to make sure you’re going to work with a reputable one.

It isn’t just about putting your spare change in the pail next to the Santa outside Wal-Mart every Christmas; it’s about doing what is within your abilities to make a difference.