Serial Killer VII: Solitary

They put me in a cell by myself today
Apparently they frown
On killing cellmates
There is no window
Only a small slot
Through which they place meals
And “fan mail”
These “fans” make me sick
Talking about things like
“I wish I had the guts
To do what you had done
To my cheating boyfriend”
When I write back with
“You have the guts, meatling,
You merely have to slice yourself open
To see them”
They stop writing back
I know my mail is being read
Checked to see
If I am plotting something
But there is nothing to plot
In this six-by-eight cell
I am now taken to court
In both arm and leg shackles
With four armed guards
Taking me back and forth
My lawyer is nervous
I can tell
He leans away from me
He turns white
As each photo is shown
I reluctantly agreed
To an insanity defense
Though I clearly am not insane
My thoughts, my actions
Written in this journal
Should alone prove my sanity
I smile
As I pat the spiral notebook before me
Once this is read
They will see the true me
Once this is read
I will surely be a free woman

Take a step back

The most often heard advice about writer’s block (at least from my inexperience) are quite contradictory.

One stance is to keep writing, even if it’s crap, and eventually the block will break. The other stance is to take a break from the work and either work on a different piece or find some other project to give yourself time to breathe and work out the problem in your head.

After a measly 100 words of progress yesterday, I think I’m going to take the latter advice. I don’t like writing crap, even if it’s supposedly to help the good stuff flow better.

So today it’s on to either drawing or some poetry projects I have in the works.


Soon–as in today–I will write more. Had to factory exorcize my tablet. Damn thing was possessed.

I have been trying to focus on my novel, but it’s difficult when I have so many other interests right now. I’m making polymer clay sculptures and jewelry, drawing, painting…too many pots on the stove. Or something.

As for now, I’m going to finish resetting everything and then stare at my WIP until it speaks to me.