Serial Killer (late edition–sorry!)

Here is the original short that inspired the madness that b will eventually be my novel. Enjoy!

Serial killer

I carefully gather my things
All neatly tucked into a bag
I get in my car and begin to drive
Then I see it – my prey
All alone, walking down the street
I drive ahead and park
Begin walking towards the prey
Pretending that I am simply on a stroll
I keep my head down, innocuous
“Accidentally” bump into my prey
Apologize, strike up a conversation
Get the prey nice and relaxed
“Would you like a ride?
“I was just about to turn around
“And get my car”
“Sure” says the prey
I smile sweetly and lead it ahead
To the last car it will ever ride in
Once inside, chloroform subdues
I drive to my safehouse
Tie up the prey
Wait for it to awaken
And begin the sweet, sweet torture
A gag prevents neighbors from hearing
But eyes are left uncovered
So I can see the luscious fear
I take my time, creating a work of art
Blood and gore all over
Finally my prey lies still
I go to work rending the limbs from the body
So much easier to dispose of
Carry the heavy bag to the woods
Woods full of carnivores and scavengers
All the while taking pictures, mementos
Polaroids that will stay with me forever
I smile as I drive back and think:
“He never saw it coming…..
“And they say a woman can’t do everything a man can do”

Silence is not always golden

Sorry for not posting the past couple of days.

Thursday I was alternating between frantically trying to finish a gift I’ve been drawing for two friends who got married yesterday (don’t think I’ll get it done in time for tomorrow’s reception, but more about that in a minute) and getting packed and ready for the three hour trip to see the in laws for early Christmas…and the aforementioned reception.

I feel horrible that I’m not going to completely finish the drawing, which sucks because now I’ll have to give them a cheap frame and then explain myself. I don’t even know if I’ll feel good enough for getting even a little bit more done before we go there today.

Oh yeah, to make matters ever so much better I’m having an RA flare up, so there’s that. Life’s just grand.

Anywho, if either Dave or Jenna reads this I apologize and will mail y’all the drawing when it’s done. Congratulations on your nuptials and the baby on the way!

Today’s devious plan

Ok, it’s not very devious. But it got you interested, right?

I’m bringing my sketch book to work so during break I can scribble feverishly on the drawing I’m doing for two friends that has to be finished by Saturday morning (slightly more than 1/3 done; no pressure lol). I should have it done in time but I didn’t give myself a whole lot of leeway to begin with.

I may also bring my notebook, because I have a carpool commute this morning and I’m not the driver. The drawing is all in pen so no drawing in the car (can’t risk bumps or things like that) but I can still write and make progress there. Have to get those few chapters in to make my 2014 resolution!

How is everyone doing with their resolutions? Finished already, scrambling to get done before the ball drops in Times Square? Long since given up? Or no resolutions at all?

I resolve to resolve…

The new year isn’t too far away now! Last year I made over half a dozen resolutions, nearly all completed now (a few more chapters written and they will be all done); now I need to figure out what resolutions to make for next year.

I have found that one resolution is apparently not enough for me, because I don’t keep it. When I give myself a bunch of them, it’s like I’m challenging myself to see how many I can get done before the year’s out. Sort of contradictory, but I guess it works.

Not quite sure what all of my resolutions for next year will be, but I’m going to start one here:

– Finish my novel (the first draft, at least)

– Try to lose maybe 10-15 more pounds?

– Definitely try to exercise more so I have less muffin-toppyness

– Get the Gallifreyan tattoo that I designed

– Write and publish more short stories/poetry

– Continue to build my art and writing business/learn better marketing

– (Related to above) Make more paintings/drawings that aren’t commission and sell them

– More cosplay!

This may not be all, but it’s a start. I want to see how many of these I can get done before 2016 🙂

Drawing out the time

I got a new design done today! It’s going to eventually be a tattoo–when I finish my novel maybe?

For those who don’t know, I am a huge fan of the new-era Doctor Who. I’ve also been drooling over all the compass tattoos I’ve seen on Pinterest lately (and who hasn’t felt lost at some time in their lives?), so instead of plain compass points I made them clock hands and I put the letters for the cardinal directions in Gallifreyan! I also wrote “all time and space” in Gallifreyan inside the compass.

I’ll probably post a picture later. I’ve got a photo on my phone but I think a scan would do it better justice.

Tomorrow: writing! (After work)

Useful mania

I got crazy manic for a couple of hours this morning, but I actually put it to good use.

With tons of energy built up inside me, I decided to organize my fabric scraps. Which, incidentally turned out to be more than I thought I’d had. Everything except the two pairs of “fat pants” I cut up has now been neatly folded, sorted, and bagged in ziploc baggies. (Well, maybe not quite neatly folded.) I threw out some of the torn recycled gift bags and grocery store bags and who-knows-where-they-came-from bags, as well as all the scraps I deemed too small to be useful, which wasn’t much because I’m a notorious hoarder.

Unfortunately, that couple of hours has wiped me out. I’m going to make some mac’n’cheese and then probably crash or read or tool around on Facebook and Pinterest until I get some energy back.

I am insomnia’s bitch

Yep. That’s all there is to it.

I took a disjointed three-hour coma-nap this evening in which I had the strangest dream and drastic shifts in body temperature. It was mostly due to exhaustion from all the sleep I’ve not been getting, but these naps are killing me. I wake up jittery, like I’m in withdrawal, though without the benefit of getting high beforehand.

It doesn’t help that my joints are freaking out. They seem to think I’ve slept a full night and as such they need to painfully lock up.

Long story short, no writing achieved tonight except for this post.

Serial Killer: School Days

Kindergarten went so well
That they moved me to a “special” school
Where my kind are given
“Special” attention
No scissors of any kind are allowed
Nor anything that could be used for stabbing
Instead of pens
We write with thick markers
Or hunks of chalk on the chalkboard
After a few assignments
I am taken out of the art program
When my drawings
My beautiful drawings
Make a teacher ill
Years pass
Several subjects become forbidden:
(I played too rough with the boys);
Creative writing
(My vocabulary
Though advanced for my age
Proved too graphic for the classroom)
They never even tried me in home ec
(I overheard the principal
Speaking with my mother
About knives and ovens)
Nor was shop class allowed
(Now why wouldn’t they want me
Using saws and hammers and things?)
No amount of classroom censorship
Could prevent me from learning on my own
Through the years I practiced
At first the boys were afraid
Not of me, but of the dreaded “cooties”
But as the years went on they learned
To fear all of me
My smile
My laugh
My eight-inch serrated knife
My parents moved a lot
Every time the number of missing boys escalated
We moved to another state
Though there was never any news report
Indicating that they sought for a suspect
A young schoolgirl

Progress…Sort of

I haven’t gotten much new written in my novel lately. It’s not writer’s block so much as lack of motivation, I think.

I started typing my handwritten first few chapters on my tablet the other day. It’s gotten my creative juices flowing again, thankfully. The prologue is done and the first chapter is turning out better than the third–or was it fourth?–attempt, which was already better than Attempts 1 & 2. Or Attempt 3. Rewriting is confusing.

When I finish typing Chapter 1/Version eleventy, I’ll get Chapter 2 typed and I think my mojo will be back on track. 🙂

Softly into the night

Or early morning. Anyone else get these early a.m. wakings? I try (without much success) to avoid them, but sleep is so hard to come by lately.

Sometimes I’m hungry. Sometimes I’m too cold. Sometimes I’m too hot. Sometimes I hurt. Sometimes I just wake up for no effing reason.

This morning’s wake up was brought by cold, hunger, and pain. I have a long day ahead of me.

My psychiatrist has been trying to find a solution, but so far nothing has worked adequately. Frustrating as all get-out. I see him again in a week, but I’m worried he’s going to refer me to a sleep specialist. Yet another copay. Joy.

Oh yeah, this morning’s waking was also brought on by a metric ton of mucus. If it turns out to be related to the mold in the leaky wall of our apartment there will be hell to pay. Or at the least I’ll be very cross.